First of all you may be wondering why I can give you these rules. It is because I’ve seen them work for others and put them into practice in my life.
Please remember that the rules must be carefully thought out and then reviewed regularly. The reason for the review is because with changes in your business, if you don’t review regularly you can be described as driving a car blind-folded.
So here is what I believe the four rules for effective marketing are;
- Specialize – Remember you can’t be all things to all people.
- Differentiate – If you aren’t significantly different than your competitors from the prospects point of view, you are a commodity. To find out if you are part of the commodity crowd e-mail me at, and I will send you two reports.
- Subdivide – If you offer more than one product or service, you need to divide your prospects into separate market segments.
- Focus – Yes no matter how big your company is you still have a limited amount of resources that you can use. For example; time is one resource, as you only have 24 hours in the day. You can’t spread yourself thin and still be effective so focus your all of your resources.
To conclude answer this question; what are four reasons that people should buy from you rather than your competitors? Please don’t response because of our quality of service or craftsmanship or because you’ve been in business for so long. This is because all of those are judgment calls on what they mean to the prospect. If you are leaving your best points up to the prospect you lose.
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