Ask anyone that has done business with you how you are doing.
By asking past clients for their opinion, with a specific set of questions you are going to find out how they really feel about your service. Unfortunately, there is a basic principle in business that applies here; most customers won’t tell you how they feel, but they will tell 15 other people (usually behind your back). To get a true understanding of how you are doing, you need to have a third party do the questioning for you. This can come in the form of mail surveys or telephone surveys. In the latest information it shows that 40% will respond to a written survey and 100% to an oral survey.
So what makes a survey effective? First of all your customers will appreciate it. Secondly, by having your customers score you in different areas of your service, you can use their answers in your marketing. Thirdly, the scores your customers give you will help you identify where there are areas for improvement. Fourthly, it keeps you in contact with your clients in a very subtle manner.
If you want to take your business to the next level find a company that is skilled at asking questions and get them to do the survey for you. If you are having trouble finding a company to do this, contact us at 519-539-2267?
Wouldn’t you really like to know how your service is being perceived?