Friday, November 18, 2011

How good are you at predicting the next phase of your business competitiveness?

Is the competition going to be based on price or something else?

Recently I read an article about how the cell phone business has changed over the years. It has shifted from price to network to design, then branding and now applications. This is a challenge for any business! If you are not able to predict the next competitive phase; you and your business will be in the catch-up mode.

When you are in the catch-up mode you are in a losing battle. You are never able to exploit your benefits or features or advantages and thus you or your industry goes into a downfall.

I say that because if you aren’t leading the new wave of competitiveness it is like you are walking around with a blind-fold on. You are bumping into objects and are not able to get to where you want to go.

To conclude I have a question for you.

What can you do today to re-invent the competitive edge in your industry so you are a leader not a follower?

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