Thursday, September 27, 2012

When are you going to stop debating and start innovating?

Innovation is the key to success, isn’t it?

How many times have you been talking about a situation that can be improved, and before you knew it becomes a debate as to what you should do? This is a crying shame, as the people that are involved in the debate are not solving anything are they?

My suggestion is to take the wildest idea from the discussion and implement it. Some of you are saying; ‘Are you crazy!’ Not at all, because if you want to innovate and grow as a business you have to take risks and because many times people in business take the safe route and there is hardly any improvement.

Soon after taking the risk you will be given the opportunity to ask “Now that we’ve implemented this new and innovative idea, how can we tweak it to make it even better?” These are the actions of a progressive and innovative business.

Are you ready to become the success you’ve always wanted?

When are you going to start innovating by taking risks?

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  1. According to me, marketing is a blood life of the any business because without this, it is impossible to connect with maximum general people. Only a business marketing can increase the brand and value of the business product, so if anyone is thinking to start a business then they have to do more focus on business marketing.
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  2. Benedict - Thanks for your comments.
    Yes business marketing is essential, although it needs to be innovative in this day and age. This is because we are all bombarded with so much marketing that if the marketing is not innovative, it will not be seen.

