Friday, June 15, 2012

Do you need to get your way in order to feel fulfilled?

Is your life all about being the most popular?

These questions become; Do you want everyone else to control how your feel about your life? No! I don’t think there is anyone who is reading this would agree with that statement, so why do we let it happen?

I believe it is due to our habits. Sadly many of these habits started when we were young. We cried when we didn’t get what we wanted, then one of our parents or other children gave in to our wants. Now that you are an adult you need to put your big pants on, you need to act like an adult. So how do you do that?

You need to take responsibility for your life. You need to be accountable for your thoughts and feelings. I am reminded of this quote by Horace (who lived from 65 BC to 8 BC) he said "Rule your mind or it will rule you."

What about what Deepak Chopra said; “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”

What are you going to do today to break free from your old habits?

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