Friday, September 30, 2011

Is your web-site easy on your potential customers?

It may have all the bells and whistles, but is it easy for the people you want on your site to use?

I know that you can take it for granted that it is okay. You must remember that people at all ages are cruising the internet. If only one person a week has trouble with your site, they will tell at least 15 other people. Can you afford this type of bad publicity?

What is one way that you can improve your web-site to make it more customer friendly?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Do you want to be remembered as a distinctive business?

Do you want to be remembered as being very unique?

Over the past week I had an opportunity to go with my wife to an outlet mall. I noticed that most of the stores try to make sure that they look the same and act the same. They want to be all things to all people. Considering these stores are multinational we know that they have to be generic in nature. But where are the ideas and the staff that can show the originality and uniqueness of what made these companies a success?

Do you want to look the same as all the other businesses or do you want to be remembered for the personal and unique service that you give to your clients.

In order to do that you’ve got to be extreme and test the limits and never settle for being good in business.You've got to be extra-ordinary in all that you do.

So, how do you want to be remembered; as a unique business offering exceptional service or just like the rest?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are you good at keeping your promises?

This is a true story.

About two weeks ago a landscape company promised me that they would be completing the landscaping in our backyard last week. By Sunday night the work had not been done. So I e-mailed the owner and I got excuses about why they had not done the work.

I understand that weather can have a great impact on outdoor work. I also understand that the company had my phone number and my e-mail address, but did not contact me to let me know that the work would be delayed.

The only judgment a client can make is if the business cares about them. We make these judgments by evaluating how the company treats us. Are they asking enough questions to show they are concerned about the customers needs? Do they respond to your inquiries in a timely manner? Do they call you if problems have occurred?

All of this is common sense. Sadly it appears that common sense is not common anymore.

What can you do to show more common sense in your business?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How can you differentiate yourself from the competition?

This is a question I’ve asked myself everyday for years.

I’ve asked this question because it should be the over-riding question everyday of your business life. I say that because if you look the same, then price is the determining factor in a customer’s buying decision. Now that is a scary thought!

If you want to differentiate yourself don’t make comments like; “no one can do what we do?” Instead you must state your exceptional difference that is a compelling benefit for your customer over what your competition does. Your differentiation must be stated by comparing your exclusive method to the traditional method of your competitors.

Why don’t you give it a try, then e-mail me your results. For those that do this before October 1st 2011, I will send you a document to help you in more detailed terms. My e-mail address is In the subject line of your e-mail state ‘differentiation’.

Why wouldn’t you take this simple action to improve your business today? Remember your decisions shape your future.

Monday, September 26, 2011

How do you speak to your customers?

The other day I was sent this joke, while it is funny it is no different than the hollow promises that we all make.

‘Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive double-pane energy efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn’t paid for them. Hello, I said, just because I’m blonde doesn’t mean that I am automatically stupid. The fast talking sales guy told me last year, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! Hello, it’s been a year! I told him. There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up. He never called back. I bet he felt like an idiot.’

This cute story should remind us that we need to speak with improved terminology to our clients.

My question for you is; how can you communicate better with your clients?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What should be your key focus in marketing?

It may appear to be easy, but consider these scenarios.

With long-term businesses they have built up a massive amount of expertise. When this is achieved, ‘expertise’ usually becomes the focus of their marketing. This can be a very dangerous decision, because most clients cannot evaluate expertise as they have our own definition of what expertise is. What that means to you is that creating marketing that is self-centered never works.

With a new business the owners have a tendency to listen to the people selling the marketing ideas. Sadly as I learned over 30 years ago, these sales people are more interested in their commission than creating something that is going to be effective.

The greatest challenge in creating marketing is not knowing the proven principles about what works and what doesn’t.

So what do you do? The easy and quick answer is to call me at 519-539-2267 so that I can get you pointed in the right direction, for a minimal cost. The tough answer is to invest 1000’s of dollars in marketing education with someone who has proven results. This is what I did to get to this point in my career.

Your actions will have a considerable impact on your marketing results and your bottom-line.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What do people buy from you?

This is something that all business owners need to understand.

You may even think it is your product or service. The reason I say that is because years ago when McDonald’s first developed their franchise model their competitors thought that they were all wrong. The competitors thought that fast-food hamburger restaurants were in the hamburger business. McDonald’s realized that people weren’t buying hamburgers, they were buying an experience.

Keeping that in mind you need to find out what your clients are really buying into, not buying from you. When you figure that out your business has a chance to become very unique in the marketplace.

What can you do today to find out what your customer’s are buying from you?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What is the first step in improving your business?

Ask anyone that has done business with you how you are doing.

By asking past clients for their opinion, with a specific set of questions you are going to find out how they really feel about your service. Unfortunately, there is a basic principle in business that applies here; most customers won’t tell you how they feel, but they will tell 15 other people (usually behind your back). To get a true understanding of how you are doing, you need to have a third party do the questioning for you. This can come in the form of mail surveys or telephone surveys. In the latest information it shows that 40% will respond to a written survey and 100% to an oral survey.

So what makes a survey effective? First of all your customers will appreciate it. Secondly, by having your customers score you in different areas of your service, you can use their answers in your marketing. Thirdly, the scores your customers give you will help you identify where there are areas for improvement. Fourthly, it keeps you in contact with your clients in a very subtle manner.

If you want to take your business to the next level find a company that is skilled at asking questions and get them to do the survey for you. If you are having trouble finding a company to do this, contact us at 519-539-2267?

Wouldn’t you really like to know how your service is being perceived?

Monday, September 19, 2011

“Hello can I get a price quote?”

This can be a dreaded request on the phone or even in person.

The key item to remember from this blog is to be prepared. What is the tone of your voice when you get a request to get a price quote? What type of a response did you give?

It is my humble opinion that we all need to be better prepared for the world of work. When I say we, I am including myself. Yes as I mature I am getting better, but not as good as I can be.

Here are a few ways that you can be more prepared;
  • Create a script for those answering your business phone. This is the first contact that most people will have with your business – so it should sound very professional. This script should be the same for everyone.
  • Create scripts for your ‘marketing’ presentations.
  • Create scripts for responding to the objections you get from clients.

Can you see how this can help you be viewed more favorably by prospective clients?

Friday, September 16, 2011

What are you doing to attract customers to your business?

I once read that in order to get the attention of customers you have to do things that are polarizing. But what is polarizing?

The definition that makes sense to me is to cause to divide into sharply contrasting groups. Think about this; if you were to create such a sharp contrast of what you do from your competitors you would bring the important attention to your business. I say that because if you look like the rest, why should your customers buy from you?

What you need to remember is that any marketing must have an eye-catching headline, wonderful copy that explains your headline, and a good visual or graphic.

Ask yourself “Is my marketing distinguishing my business?” If not, give me a call today – 519-539-2267.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are your customers’ price conscious?

Is it possible that they might not be as price conscious as you think?

According to BIGresearch when they asked tens of thousands of shoppers how they like to shop, what is there preference in customer service and what it takes for them to buy - it may not be price. The results which were published in a book called “When Customers Talk”. It shows that some of the most deeply ingrained opinions that business people think the customers want - may simply be wrong.

Take for example, when customers were asked how far they would be willing to drive for excellent service. 80% said they’d travel four or more miles, and nearly 50% said they would drive 10 miles or more for the right combination of price, quality and customer service.

According to this research; shoppers are not as price-conscious bargain hunters they have been portrayed to be.

How will this change your business model?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Are you giving your clients what they want?

Sometimes I think many businesses have a 'sales prevention' department.

Why would I say that? It has become obvious to me that some businesses don’t understand that when people want to do something they want to do it now. The latest example of that is my bank. I am starting a non-profit organization and we will be fund-raising. I was informed that if I wanted to make deposits that there would be a ‘number’ of forms to fill out. Well you may not think that is a problem – but I do.

Just think about it. Two of the members of our organization will have to go to the bank. We will have to speak to a bank official for at least half an hour, while we fill out the banks documents. It appears that the only ones getting paid for their time is the bank staff. What about our time?

It is the same with your customers, you need to find ways to make the buying process enjoyable or less time consuming. Then the clients will get what they want.

What is one step that will move you closer to giving your clients what they want today?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

“Are you really listening to me?”

This is what everyone is thinking when they are talking to you.

So how do you show that you are really listening? Do you just sit there expressionless? Or do you use active listening skills?

Active listening skills are the fundamental interpersonal skills any person can use. Without these skills you would not be effective in any relationship. There are two areas of active listening skills. The first one is probing skills, they are used to investigate and expand what the speaker has said. The second area is supporting skills; they are techniques that acknowledge what has been said.

Probing skills demonstrate your willingness to listen and shows your interest in what the person is saying. You can use open-ended questions like ‘why’, ‘when’ and ‘how’. Supporting skills reward the person meaningfully for continuing the discussion. You can use statements like; ‘I agree with you.” or ‘I can feel your pain.’

When you start using these techniques you will begin to see the positive impact it will have on those you are speaking with.

When can you begin to improve your active listening skills?

Monday, September 12, 2011

What is the difference between your business and the fire department?

I hope nothing, but I could be wrong.

The fire department gets the little things done in spite of all of their interruptions. When that alarm rings they have to get moving. Is your business constantly putting out the fires of unexpected circumstances?  If you answered ‘yes’, my next question is; why is it that you have so much trouble?

I believe there is one reason that differentiates your business from your local fire department. They (the fire department) are organized. They have developed procedures for all aspects of their operations.

The lesson for you is that you need to build your business around procedures and plans. I say that because it is the only thing that will bring sanity to your business.

Can you see how it makes sense to be proactive by putting together procedures to deal with any unexpected circumstances?

Wouldn’t your business look and act more professional?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Do you feel that you play a vital role when it comes to marketing your business?

The answer is yes. Every action that every staff member takes in any business is all about marketing.

If you play a lead role in your business you had better maker sure that every one of your staff members know how important every action is that they take.

Let me give you an example. A business has a number of trucks with the company name inscribed on them. You are driving down the road and one of their truck cuts you off, do you think highly of the business? Of course not!  The driver of the truck has forgotten that he is marketing the business as he drives down the street.

Can you think of other examples where an ordinary circumstance can turn into a marketing disaster?

How can you play a role in making sure that those circumstances don’t occur?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Have you started something that matters?

Are you working for the money or are you working to make a difference in the world?

Recently a book was published called ‘Start Something That Matters’. The basis of the book is a collection of favorite stories that led to the success of TOMS shoes. TOMS Shoes was started by Blake Mycoskie in 2006. It is a for-profit company based in California. It also operates a non-profit subsidiary called Friends of TOMS. The company designs and sells lightweight shoes and with every product sold, the company will donate a pair to a person in need.

You might be thinking ‘my business won’t allow me to take that type of action’. It doesn’t have to be that type of action. What it needs to be is some action, any action that will make a difference for others that are less fortunate than you.

You may be wondering what has this to do with marketing. It is a proven fact that if you want to live a fulfilled and motivated business life it is done by making a contribution to others without expecting anything in return. In fact by focusing on what you can do for others is far more motivating than some unexciting Mission Statement.

What can you do today in your business that will make a difference in the world?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Does your marketing include customer service?

Over the years I’ve noticed that many companies spend a lot of money promoting their company, product or service.

The wonderful thing is that they are well known in their service area. The saddest thing is that their customer service is atrocious. Let me give you a couple of examples;
  • You make a promise to your customer, and don’t keep that promise.
  • You promote yourself as the ‘best’ at what you do, then you deliver second rate products or service.
Can you see the challenge with this?

Did you know that according to the BIGresearch survey, 17 percent of customers will leave after a single service blunder? Another 40 percent will leave after two instances of poor service, and 28 percent more are out the door after three. So for 85 percent of your customers, it is three strikes and you’re out.

So what are you doing to improve your customer service - today?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Do you really think you are being a service to your customers?

This past weekend I went to a local jewelry store to buy a battery for my watch.

This should have been no problem. Well think again.

As I pulled up in front of the store it appeared to be open, so I got out of the car and walked to the front door. When I looked at the front door there it was – a small piece of paper stating ‘We’ll be back in 15 minutes’.

Having an unique sense of humor I smiled. I smiled because of a number of questions came to my mind;
  • When did they leave the store?
  • When will they be back?
  • Do they think I am going to wait for an indeterminate amount of time?

I bring this example up because this type of incident has happened many times to all of us. The owner or the person working that day has failed to think about the customer. Their needs came first.

How can you create a more customer focused approach to your business? (If you think you are perfect right now, think again.)

Friday, September 2, 2011

How do you design your marketing?

If you design it by committee, please read on.

The reason for my concern is that most design by committee marketing is a watered down compromise or an imitation of something someone else has done that you liked.

Marketing is all about knowing your uniqueness and promoting that. If you know your competitors aren’t as good as you are in a specific area of business – market that.

Once you understand your uniqueness let one person design the marketing and bring it back for approval. As long as it meets the ‘proven principles’ of effective marketing, it will work.

If you aren’t promoting your uniqueness, how do you expect to be noticed?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Are you taking the easy way out?

What I am talking about is taking the safe course of action.

When you started your business you made a risky decision. You put your work life and your money on the line.

After we’ve been in business for a while, we get either lazy or timid. We forget what has taken us this far. We get soft. We start to make gutless decisions so we don’t rock the boat. We try to fit into the crowd.

Why would you want to fit in with the crowd? Don’t you want to be recognized for the uniqueness that your clients like about your business?

When are you going to quit living on the edge of mediocrity?
