Monday, January 9, 2012

Are you able to get your prospects attention easily?

I’ve failed, you’ve failed, and you’ve seen others fail in getting the attention of those they needed to talk to.

I find that when I am very self-centered, no one pays attention to me. When I view advertising and see how self-centered some advertising is, there is no doubt about why their advertising is not working. When I see someone start to make a presentation and they are so focused on themselves, there is little doubt about why people are not interested.

So what can you do to get the prospects attention?

I believe that you need to ask these few questions;
·        What do my prospects really want from my product or services?
·        Why do they want it?
·        What do I have to do to understand their needs?
·        How can I improve from what I am doing now?
·        When can I do it?

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