Thursday, June 28, 2012

Who is your target market?

Or do you believe that everyone is your market?

If you believe that everyone is your market, how is that going? Do you have more business than you know what to do with? If you don’t have more business than you know what to do with, read on.

When you are marketing to everyone, it’s very hard, a near impossibility to succeed to a high level. The reason I say that is because marketing needs to have a focus on a specific type of client. What that means to you is that without a specific focus you attract anyone, and they may not be the one’s you want. Let me explain; many business owners are scared of excluding potential clients. However, the more focused you are the better you are at understanding your target market. Thus the more you will know their challenges and probable solutions for their needs.

What can you do today to define your market clearer?

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