Thursday, April 14, 2011

Are you really passionate about your work?

I found the following questions on the Karmichael Group web-site ( According to this site they offer executive coaching and consulting services that help to advance people's careers. I think they have hit the nail on the head with the following questions.

Why do I share this with you? If you want to be successful and promote you or your business you need to be passionate and turned on to what you can do for your potential clients.

So as they have stated “Be Your Own Career Coach and Answer These Questions.
·   Does your bookcase or web surfing reveal any topics of interest or themes of passion? List whatever subjects you discover.
·   What did you really want to be as a child? 
·   What career idea is rattling around your head that never seems to go away?
·   What life changing events have sparked a sense of mission for you?
·   Any situations that make you feel alive and invigorated?
·   Think about people you know.  Write down six things that other people are doing that excite you. 
·   What do you genuinely love to do?
·   What are the projects you have truly enjoyed in your life so far?
·   Is there anything you do where you lose a sense of time because you feel so engaged?
·   Any activities or situations that make you feel alive and invigorated?”

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