Thursday, June 16, 2011

Do you know if you are using the right media to reach your potential customers?

Have you been tracking the results of your advertising and promotion? If you haven’t - you are acting like you are independently wealthy and can afford to throw money around.

Many small business owners are very busy just trying to complete all of their own responsibilities, never mind tracking the results of their advertising and promotion. This busyness tends to happen because this type of business owner is working in their business not on their business.

If you are working on your business you have a plan. This plan gives you a sense of direction and motivates you and your staff members. This sense of direction helps reduce the amount of crisis that come up out of no where. One example is that you are approached to do some advertising in a particular newspaper or media outlet. By having a sense of direction, all that you need to do when approached is ask a few questions, then decide if this offer fits in with your long term plan.

Wouldn’t that be a better way to run your business?

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