Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Have you ever questioned your customer service?

Many of you will say that you would never question it.

The word question means to evaluate. If you are not regularly evaluating your customer service you and your business could be in for some very tough times.

Why do I say that? It is because if you are in a profitable business there will always be other people starting up to be in competition to you.

I want to tell you a story of a wonderful experience I had this past weekend. It is the story of a business that appears to be constantly evaluating what they do for their customer’s. I stayed at a Bed and Breakfast near Winchester Ontario (which is just south of Ottawa). My hosts were Annette and Jim and when I say hosts - I mean hosts. They treated me with respect and were very interested in serving me. 

In my discussion with them I found out that they are always willing to try new ideas as long as these ideas were customer focused.

Can you say that you are willing to try new ideas that are customer focused on a consistent basis?

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